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Activating the Company’s Mission, Vision and Values To Connect Monosol Management to the Next Chapter of Success

Developing a new mission, vision and values (VMV) isn’t easy—and sometimes getting front-line management to buy in and truly understand why it’s important can be the hardest part. To help connect the abstract to the real world, we hosted a single-day workshop that helped MonoSol’s leadership and middle management teams understand why their VMV is more than just words on a page—it’s the key to their next chapter of success. During the workshop, we:

  • Pinpointed moments in the company’s history to tie back to values rooted in storytelling
  • Better tethered the company’s values to employees’ work
  • Used a communications toolkit to disseminate messaging about the VMV to attendees’ teams
  • Injected fun into company values and leveraged props to create a team-building environment

Using Heritage To Rally Leadership in Times of Uncertainty

Since MonoSol’s founding in 1953, the company has leveraged technology and innovation to rethink what’s possible. Its team of chemists, engineers and innovators have created safer, simpler and more sustainable solutions for a range of industries, including game-changing water-soluble technology used in laundry detergent pods and packets popularized by major CPG companies and used by millions of consumers each day. Innovations like these kicked off a period of growth without precedent in its 70-year history. Seeking to stay relevant and innovative in a rapidly evolving industry, the newly appointed CEO wanted to use a newly defined vision, mission and values (VMV) to implement cultural change across the organization, pivoting to a more close-knit and nimble culture. The first stop to embedding MonoSol’s VMV into its culture was better educating management on how to internalize and champion it across the company. MonoSol turned to History Factory to build a plan on how to activate the VMV, rooted in heritage storytelling, to inspire and rally teams. 

The History Factory team quickly mobilized and created a 90-minute storytelling session with MonoSol’s leadership and middle management teams that followed our StoryArcTM methodology—with a twist. Leveraging MonoSol’s VMV, we looked to company’ milestones to ground the VMV in the company’s evolution and use it to point to the company’s future. Casting session participants as superheroes, we identified ways that the VMV are relevant to their work today, as well as how they can become champions of the VMV within their own teams. In keeping with the superhero theme, we also created values “swag” and interactive games to keep the session fun and humorous. These kept the leaders engaged and provided not only insight into the forces behind the VMV but also a sense of relevance to teams’ day-to-day work. 

Mobilizing the Workforce—Starting With Company Values

The key to engaging employees is making sure that everyone feels valued and supported in their work and like they’re part of something larger than themselves that aligns with their values. By hiring an outside resource, MonoSol brought a fresh perspective to how VMV can be a critical element in rallying teams during times of significant change or crisis. Using the power of storytelling, we helped MonoSol’s leadership and middle management teams become better equipped to address the business challenge of maintaining a motivated and productive workforce. 

“You all pulled off an incredible session with such a tight turnaround. Everyone was so complimentary of your work. They had a ton of fun and so did we. Hopefully we can dream up some more exciting projects to work on and get you back in front of our teams.” — Matthew Vander Laan, VP of Corporate Affairs

Looking for ways to activate your vision, mission and values? Reach out to us anytime. 

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